Online video gaming limited to an hour in china

Online video gaming limited to an hour in china

3 Min Reading

The Chinese government has decided to limit the duration that kids and teenagers under the age of 18 can play online video games. As per this new rule all under the age of 18, in other words, minors are only allowed to engage in online video gaming for a maximum of an hour. The government has taken the necessary steps to make this progress properly.  

According to this new enforcement towards online gaming platforms, everyone under the age of 18 is entitled to play video games only on Fridays, weekends, and holidays. Thus that is also just for an hour, specifically, they have allocated a time for this which is from 8 pm to 9 pm. The Chinese government has decided to monitor this in a serious manner. Therefore kids in China will be allowed only for an hour a day, which is also on the above specified days. Being responsible for the well-being of the future generations of their country, most adults appreciate this action taken by their government and relevant authorities.

Hence not only the minors who play these games but also the authorities are planning to keep their supervision over the companies that create these video games too. Therefore the companies, as well as the games that they create, will be watched. The Chinese government has advised these companies to take the necessary actions and steps to adhere to the new law and to make the minors adhere too. That means it is now totally up to the gaming companies.

The state media companies in the People’s Republic of China call these online games ‘Spiritual Opium’. The reason to be given that name is the attractive and addictive nature of these games. As the name itself speaks out, nowadays all around the world more people are addicted to these online gaming platforms and mainly they are students. The situation is no better in China. That is the main reason the Chinese government stayed tough regarding the young generations and their gaming. Even before this newly enforced law previously also had a law regarding gaming for people under the age of 18. The maximum duration for any person under 18 to engage in these games was only an hour for a day yet now it is reduced only to weekends and holidays.

The government explained the reason behind this, to be this strict and serious with these games. They say it as the effect that it does to the young generations. The latest surveys have revealed the majority of minors are addicted to these games. That is why the maximum of 3 hours for a day is now decreased to an hour. That is good from the point of view of a better future of the country and also the world because being minors they need to be guided and that is what the People’s Republic of China is doing by these kinds of laws.

Hence they have found out that the addiction towards these gaming platforms is affecting the children negatively and in the intention of reducing the negative and bad effects caused towards them, the government has taken this step. Furthermore to stop them from engaging in games from 10 pm to 8 am the following morning, a leading gaming company in China and far east Asia, Tencent had introduced the face identification method last July. 

Even though minors and some people criticize this, the majority admire this action after understanding the reason behind this. The future of the world is children. After all, we wish to see a better future for the human race. Aren’t we all?

While China is having those restrictions for video gaming, the social media giant, FACEBOOK is working on an Instagram version for children under 13 years of age.



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